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source: ./1572165183-social-networks-services-are-boring-now.html

For some reason, I find social networks services boring.

Maybe I don't follow a lot of diverse people, maybe I don't follow a lot of people, maybe I spent too much time between twitter, mastodon and instagram. I don't open facebook much, maybe twice a week. Linkedin is a different beast, but I don't want to follow or connect to a lot of people, and then lose important updates from people in my company I care about - I suppose the "add teammates" feature they just released tries to fix this problem, but I don't want to use it.

I'd rather spend a lot of time on news/links aggregators - the orange website, lobste.rs and gambe.ro (the Italian version of lobste.rs). I follow gambe.ro news on their telegram channel. that's not the only telegram channel I follow: there is "European DPA News" and Sabaku no Maiku's channel. They are muted, so I read them when I want to.

Instagram nags me with "Tizio, Caio and Sempronio posted new stories!1" notifications. I find it a chore to read stories, especially because there are ads between each person's stories: (person i follow) -> (ads) -> (person i follow) -> (ads) -> (person i follow). If only there was a way to say: I want to see stories from Tizio and Pippo only...

I was excited when I created an account on Instagram (you may remember my registration issues...), as it looked like a cool way to post everyday slices of life in JPG format, and a good way to follow a friend that is more active on there than twitter (my main SNS until a couple of weeks ago).

Instagram is still the most bearable one - not much politics, just cute drawings, cats and nice places. Telegram channels, being uni-directional, are the best way to receive news and updates about people/content creators I care about. They remind me of RSS feeds. I should write one for this blog, btw.

I need a break from social network services. I still catch myself looking at them while working, either at the day job or while writing for my tech blog. It's doing fine SEO-wise, thank you.

Time to uninstall stuff for a while.

Does my "burn out" come from the fact that I only consume the content, in a "read-only" way?. Let's try write-only here.