Under the Dog review

I almost forgot about it, but the \free download/ reminded me of the project that my crew and I almost made it fail because Daiz and real translators[1] were like “oh wow are you employing fansubbers now?”. (Yes, I started this sh*t. Yes, I will start translating it to Italian once I post this review, as I proposed in the email we sent ‘em).

Let’s not digress, though.

Oh, just a thing. Spoilers ahead

This short movie is very, very, very good looking: great animation, special effects, missiles, explosions, dead people becoming red scary monsters… impressed. The convertible RAILGUN (WHAAAAT) is a masterpiece, and the gunfights are intense.

We don’t have much “plot” to discuss about (unless you want to talk about Anthea’s Antheas :>), but the final plot twist actually leaves a lot of open doors to new stories, and asks many questions: why was that guy misjudged as “white”? What is this Pandoralization thing? Why were US forces attacking a Japanese man in a Japanese school?

Now, let’s talk about a thing that left me… uncomfortable. Where the f**k is Anthea’s convertible motorcycle? What happened to street combat? Why does she appear just at the end? Will we have what we saw in the first trailer, maybe in the next episode? Why didn’t she shot her way to the island through the bridge? Alternate route my ass.

So, it’s a good product, but it didn’t not reaaaally deliver what it was promised. It’s a disappointed 7+. Will wait for the BDs to watch it again, at higher quality.

[1] I discussed with a guy at the time about it on Kickstarter’s forums. We discovered he was the French translator for Time of Eve. Great 6-episodes long series, go watch it now if you hadn’t yet.